Personal Brand Amplifier

rolling membership (min 3 month)

Amplify your impact, attract more high end clients, and be consistent and accountable in your brand and marketing.

Work with me for a minimum of 3 months to ensure you are scaling, amplifying, and reaching your brand potential.

If 2024 is about winning more clients, larger contracts and having a bigger impact you are in the right place.

I want to support you to amplify your visibility and personal brand and watch your coaching, consulting or speaker business thrive.

It isn't just about images; we will craft a continuous, authentic, and professional brand story, fostering client connection and trust to help you attract those dream clients and juicy corporate contracts.

Many clients have shared how the workbook exercise I give really makes them think more deeply about their business, and has a positive impact on other areas too...

"Rebecca is more than a photographer and working with her has inspired me in so many ways too!" Jeevi Pillai, AfrowithJeevi.

Do you need help with any or all of these?

Attracting clients

Creating Content?

Branding ready to share?

Good photos?

Corporate Contracts?


Time poor?


Communicating niche?

Do you need help with any or all of these?

Attracting clients

With the right personal brand, knowing your audience and being clear on your purpose you will start to attract more clients.

Creating Content?

Clients tell me how easy content creation is post a brand shoot. Not only do you have the right image with 24hours of your event, you have images for web, social, marketing, PR, speaker bios, presentations, media packs and more.

Branding ready to share?

An amazing opportunity drops on your lap, do you have the necessary assets ready to go?

Good photos?

You are being recognised as a leader in your space. Do your photos represent who you are today or who you were a year or more ago?

Corporate Contracts?

It's competitive market place and corporates want to know you can deliver in a professional manner. Does your personal branding, website and assets look the part to attract the high end clients you seek?


You went into business because you had something to share, you wanted to help make your part of the world a better place. You can't do that if you aren't visible. Having a portfolio of images makes it easy for you to show up, be seen and be memorable.

Time poor?

Not all of us have the luxury of a marketing person, and so having a portfolio of ready to go images on hand can save you time to invest in the things you love. PLUS if you do have a team if reduces their time on creating and sourcing images. Saving you money too!


The peace of mind a good pipeline brings in business is invaluable.

By being visible, and owning your niche, you will find you attract more clients and have to seek less. Bringing more joy and money into your business.

Communicating niche?

If you asked 10 people in your life what you do, who you help and how you help them could they answer?

Getting super clear on who we help makes it much more likely for you to receive referrals, and good ones, as people GET what you do and who you do it for.

Do you want to double your business?

When you see colleagues in your industry smashing it you can guarantee they are nailing the below four key areas to win bigger clients and juicy corporate contracts.


Personal branding photography helps founders such as coaches and speakers establish credibility and professionalism through their marketing.

High-quality, on brand images show you have invested in your business, and build the trust that it is safe to invest in you too.

When clients have e trust they are more likely to book your service.

Building connection

Personal branding photography allows you showcase your personality, share behind the scenes and allow your ideal client a peek at what working with you is like.

When we show up as ourselves we begin to build relationships with our ideal client.

We aren't for everyone and that is ok. By showing up authentically we become a beacon for our ideal clients.

Visual Storytelling

Personal branding photography enables business leaders to visually tell their story and communicate their brand message.

Through carefully curated images, you can showcase your journey, values, and unique approach, captivating and engaging your dream clients.

When clients see us they feel they know us, and feel safe booking with us.

Consistent Branding

Personal branding photography ensures a consistent visual brand look and feel across different platforms and marketing materials.

Imagine having a portfolio you can use on your website, social media, promotional materials, and more, reinforcing your unique brand identity and becoming the GO TO person in your field.

Client cheerleading

Yasmine Khater

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"Working with Rebecca is a dream come true. She asks all the questions to find out the image we need to create, and really guided me on how to use them more effectively. This has boosted my confidence about posting online."

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Personal Brand Amplifier

Increase your impact and your sales every month

As a heart-led entrepreneur I know you will have a greater purpose as well as a business.

3 - 6 and 12 month packages available

Secret Bonuses too! Contact me to learn more!

it's not that you are struggling to find clients its that they are struggling to find you.

Are you more comfortable in the background but know that for your next stage of growth it is time to be visible?

Or happy in the spotlight but need help being the best possible version of yourself to shine?

  • You've spent years in corporate but now is your time to shine but you aren't sure exactly where to start with your personal brand?
  • Have you ever experienced the frustration of not having a quality image from that speech, workshop or event?
  • Are you tired of using the same old photographs on repeat (in that same dress or top!)?
  • Are you or your VA wasting valuable time searching for the right images online that fits your brand?
  • Do you wish that you could click your fingers and have the perfect image for your social post, sales page or launch?
  • Are you someone who likes to switch up your style and hair color and want to walk into a room looking like you do online?
  • Are you content Queen (or your copywriter is!) and you need fresh images regularly|?
  • Dream of having captivating images of your new product launch or workshop that can be used for year-round marketing?

is your biggest struggle that you want to look and feel as professional as the service you provide and boost your visibility with more confidence?

If you answered yes to more than one then you are in the right place.

The personal brand amplifier is my bespoke brand membership, a 3, 6 or 12 month personal branding photography package.

Over our months together we will create a portfolio of magnetic images, as you need them, that align with your content and goals.

Each shoot whether it is monthly, quarterly or ad hoc we will look at what you have coming up – like your plans for a new launch and shoot accordingly to create super intentional and hard working marketing images.

You’ll build a portfolio that not only supports your business and your marketing, but enable you to show up with confidence and create the impact you seek. You will attract, convert and retain your ideal clients with more ease.

personal branding image of a white female coach and speaker in Singapore by Rebecca Downie

swipe through the two photo boxes to see examples of images from bespoke membership founders.

Let's work together

Let's amplify your brand and you business for growth

I offer free clarity calls where we discuss where you are, where you want to do and what is missing.

I can highlight areas I can help, and connect to you the right people in the areas I can't.

Whether you decide to proceed or not, you will walk away with ideas for your personal brand and marketing.

So what are you waiting for?

Drop me a message!