Singapore's leading personal brand &

lifestyle business portrait photographer.


Hi I'm Rebecca.

You are a professional. A high end coach, speaker, wellness practitioner or female founder. You are here because you you want to change your part of the world for better and to support more people, and you know to do that you need to be more visible.

When I launched my first business I set up a networking group, and I quickly became saddened about how many incredible women were doing themselves a HUGE disservice in how they showed up in their business online. Selfies, old photos, stock images - nothing screamed I am fabulous and can help you with X Y Z!

And so my mission was born. My purpose is to support you in your marketing through brand photography so you attract more dream clients to your business, and win those juicy corporate contracts.

How? Well first off my super power is making you feel comfortable in front of the camera. My clients often share how much more they enjoyed the session than they expected, we laugh a lot!

My natural warm energy makes you feel quickly at ease, and this is how I capture the true essence of you via my lens, curating images of you where you shine your brilliant light.

That light is a beacon. A beacon to call in those big corporate gigs and dream clients you know you are ready to serve.

Photogenic is not a thing I believe in. It is about light, angles, chemistry and bringing your unique energy to life. I know this because I have photographed hundreds of women.

My ambition is for you to see yourself, even if just for a moment, as others do. Strong, powerful, warm, successful, capable and on a mission to make a positive change in your world.

"Rebecca had a great set up for my branding shoot. She was great at putting me at ease. Super fast turn around time. I absolutely love my photos, I can't wait to add them to my website and social media."

—Cressida Martin

Are you a coach, speaker or female founder running business in Singapore?

I started my career 20 years ago, wow that makes me sound older than I feel!

For the first 15 years I worked in sales and marketing roles for publishers in Europe and Australia. I am on a mission to help female entrepreneurs think bigger about their businesses and coming from a marketing and sales background, I am able to help them grow through creating images that have impact.

Are you...

  • Launching a new business and wanting to get the brand look and feel right from the outset?
  • Getting ready to scale up and launch a new offering, membership or course?
  • Looking to increase your visibility through PR and publicity?
  • Simply feeling fed up of never having the right images to post to attract your ideal clients?
  • A coach, writer, speaker or wellness practitioner in Singapore looking to stand out from the crowd?

Then you are in the right place.

I have worked with hundreds of leaders and female founders just like you to help them gain confidence in themselves and to grow their business with personal brand photography.

My clients now have the confidence to be visible, to stand up and been seen. 

They are excited to share their wisdom and passion and be themselves. 

No longer are they overwhelmed with creating or finding images that don’t align with them, and they have daily inspiration from their images when they need a little extra help. They have a portfolio of lifestyle business portraits to hand.

They are attracting their ideal clients with ease as they are a beacon to their ideal clients.

I only offer two personal branding photoshoots a week in Singapore, meaning I can fully dedicate myself to being by your side through the whole process. Offering guidance from brand values right through to outfits, props and locations.

If you want to see what a shoot with me is like, check my 'Behind The Scenes' video below.

If you like what you see please get it touch, because I can't wait to tell your story.

Rebecca x



Annabel Jackson, Founder

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"Working with Rebecca was such a wonderful experience. The branding workbook was a great way to sit down and reflect on my business, it’s purpose and my goals!
Rebecca made me feel so comfortable on the day and we had silly moments that helped with any camera shyness I had at times!
I love the different ideas she came up with for shots that have made my social media content fun, unique and engaging! I find it so much easier now writing quality posts and not just posting for the sake of it!"

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Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore
Rebecca Downie Personal Brand and Head Shot Photographer Singapore

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